Filming began in late March on the TV series based on the book “Fiori sopra l’inferno” by Ilaria Tuti!
The Gemona writer’s publishing success tells the story of police profiler Teresa Battaglia. The protagonist, played by Elena Sofia Ricci, is searching for a culprit in a series of murders.
The drama is set in Friuli Venezia Giulia, specifically between: Tarvisio, Malborghetto, Camporosso, Val Saisera, Lago del Predil, Coccau, Pontebba and Udine.
Filming of “Flowers Above Hell” began in late March, and the series will air on Rai1 between next fall and spring 2023.
Elena Sofia Ricci in a post on her Instagram account spoke about the series and the role she plays: “I will try to return all the deep humanity that this character deserves, with all my heart. Grateful always!”