Meeting on cine-tourism in FVG, presentation of the portal “FVG Film Locations” with search engine of facilities that have hosted film sets and reflection on the impact of cinema on society and the territory.
This third season of the series "The Red Door", once again and for the last time, stars Commissioner Cagliostro as a central character; the man, who became a ghost after being killed in the first part of the story, has not yet managed to cross the red door, hence the title to the fiction, the…
Lorenzo Bianchini’s film “L’angelo dei muri” (lit. “the angel of the walls”), produced by Tucker Film together with Rai Cinema and MYmovies, is set in Trieste and was shot between San Vito al Torre and the neighborhood of Roiano.
The bike map of the region was presented in Udine by the councilor for Infrastructures and Territory Graziano Pizzimenti; a network of 1300 km, 600 of which already available.
The British TV series “Hotel Portofino”, set in 1926 in the wonderful Ligurian town of Portofino, chose Abbazia as a filming set. At the moment they are filming a new episode of “Hotel Portofino”: the family drama with thriller contours, full of twists and adrenaline.
In 2016, thanks to a partnership between Studio Sandrinelli and Casa del Cinema within the ambit of their project “Esterno/Giorno”, financed by the then Province of Trieste, it was possible to create the special“Esterno/Giorno” itineraryinside the App FVG Film Locations and has now been transferred to this web portal.
This special “Esterno/Giorno” itinerary includes…