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Rapiniamo il Duce

In the spring of 1945 Milan is reduced to ruins. The war has almost come to an end: the Allies and the Resistance are about to wipe out what remains of a regime now ready to flee. Isola, a black-market smuggler, does everything to survive, as does his clandestine girlfriend Yvonne, who sings in the…

Fiori sopra l’inferno

Traveni, an imaginary village nestled in the Friulian mountains, is the scene of a series of inexplicable crimes, on which Teresa Battaglia, commissioner of Udine and expert profiler,  is called to investigate. Teresa is a woman who is both strong and fragile, and who is suffering from a disease capable of taking away her wit…

Diabolik – Ginko all’attacco!

The second season of the King of Terror born from the imagination of the Giussani sisters, which sees him once again opposing the cunning detective Ginko. In this new cinematic tale, Diabolik manages to steal the precious Armen crown and, a few months later, also the remaining jewels of the collection used for a show.…

La memoria del mondo

Adrien, an art historian and biographer of the artist Ernst Bollinger, finds himself involved in the finale of the story he is writing, the last chapters of his master's life. The two set out in search of a woman who has mysteriously disappeared; to accomplish this mission, they find themselves, accompanied by a young boatman,…

Per niente al mondo

Bernardo is a man who has everything in life: he is a chef waiting for his first Michelin star, he has charm, friends, and success. One day, however, he is arrested for criminal conspiracy; he is accused of being the criminal mastermind behind a gang of robbers that broke into several houses in the area,…

Io vivo altrove!

The protagonists of this comedy, Franco Biasutti and Franco Perbellini, have two things in common: a passion for photography and a hatred of life in the city: this commonality is established from their very first meeting, a trip for lovers of photos and landscapes. The great opportunity for a change in life comes when Fausto…

Se mi lasci ti sposo

Giulia and Marco are a couple in crisis, but they cannot break the relationship: precarious and penniless thirty-year-olds, they cannot afford to pay double bills, rent and daily expenses. At this point the two come up with an idea: why not pretend to get married, to collect the money of the wedding gifts and so…

La fortuna di Laura

The life of Laura, a successful interior designer who raised her daughter Emma alone, spoiling her and sending her to study abroad, takes a sharp turn when her clandestine affair with the husband of her most important client is discovered. In an instant, the woman loses her home, money, reputation and job. Help comes from…

Piccolo Corpo

Young Agata, an inhabitant of a fishing island in the North-East, experienced a terrible loss: her little girl died before she could be baptized. In the absence of breath, in fact, this sacrament cannot be administered. The child will therefore be condemned to remain in Limbo in eternity. To avoid this fate for her daughter,…

Il Re

One of the first prison dramas filmed in Italy, this series stars Luca Zingaretti as Bruno, an implacable director of a border prison – the San Michele – in which he exercises the role of absolute sovereign and implacable judge, holder of the truth about good and evil, beyond any court or code of criminal…

The Last Resort

Did you know that there is a bathing establishment in Trieste which is divided in half by a wall running all the way to the sea, separating a section dedicated exclusively to women and one dedicated exclusively to men? It is called the Pedocìn, and is the undisputed protagonist of "The Last Resort", a docufilm…

FVG film locations

Cineturismo in Friuli Venezia Giulia

FVG Film Locations fa parte di “CINETURISMO. Itinerari turistici alla scoperta dei luoghi del cinema in FVG” e CINETURISMO. Promozione dei luoghi del cinema in FVG”,  progetti di comunicazione per la promozione turistica del territorio del Friuli Venezia Giulia, realizzati dal 2013 con il contributo della Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia.

Capofila progetto
Studio Sandrinelli srl
via Carducci 22, Trieste

Sviluppo portale
Divulgando srl
Viale Miramare 15, Trieste

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