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“Our films at your home today”.  Per il momento le sale cinematografiche sono chiuse, ma un giorno riapriranno: la piattaforma AdessoCinema intende portare il cinema del territorio dentro le  case degli spettatori. Ecco che in risposta al bisogno di normalità e bellezza, le tre colonne cinematografiche friulane (Cinemazero, il Visionario di Udine e…


The shooting of the second season of the TV series by the fillm director Matteo Oleotto in Friuli Venezia Giulia is now over – among the locations are Gorizia, Cormons, Cividale del Friuli and Gradisca. With both the original and new actors, the story continues to evolve dynamically with new problems, not only ones…


The release of Diabolik, originally scheduled for 31 December 2020, has been postponed until an as yet undecided date in 2021. This film adaptation by the Manetti Bros features a magnificent Eva Kant played by Miriam Leone and Luca Marinelli in the role of Diabolik. Once again, inspiration is drawn from the comic originally created…

The Great War

In 2014 we will have the centenary of the First World War. During the Great War, Friuli Venezia Giulia was the scene of battles between the Italian and Austro-Hungarian armies that fought each for many months. The Isonzo and the Trieste Karst, the Julian Alps and the Pre-Alps, the Carnic Alps and the hills along…

Fvg from coast to coast

The TV series “Il Silenzio dell'Acqua” follows police officers Luisa Ferrari and Andrea Baldini at grips with the unsolved mysteries in the fictional village of Castel Marciano. Castel Marciano in reality corresponds to Duino, Sistiana and Muggia, towns at the antipodes of Trieste and overlooking the sea. In fact, water is the narrative thread of…

FVG film locations

Cineturismo in Friuli Venezia Giulia

FVG Film Locations fa parte di “CINETURISMO. Itinerari turistici alla scoperta dei luoghi del cinema in FVG” e CINETURISMO. Promozione dei luoghi del cinema in FVG”,  progetti di comunicazione per la promozione turistica del territorio del Friuli Venezia Giulia, realizzati dal 2013 con il contributo della Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia.

Capofila progetto
Studio Sandrinelli srl
via Carducci 22, Trieste

Sviluppo portale
Divulgando srl
Viale Miramare 15, Trieste

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