This new film, like the one by the same name directed by Mario Bava in 1967, is also inspired by the 1962 comic. The surprise is the story itself; one of the directors explains: “To really tell the story of Diabolik, it is impossible not to say anything about Eva Kant. She will be a 100% co-star”. The locations are Milan, Bologna and Trieste. There are two particularly impressive locations in this film: the Napoleonic Way and Portopiccolo. The first is a 5 km-long path that connects Opicina with Prosecco: it is the perfect stroll for children too, and can be covered on foot or by bike. The Napoleonic Way owes its name to the legendary passage of Napoleon’s troops. It is also one of the most popular places for residents: from above you can admire the Barcolana, one of the most famous international regattas in the world! Portopiccolo is a kind of coastal town nestled in the beautiful bay of Sistiana: a resort that was built in a former quarry that was closed in the 1970s and then abandoned. It is one of the most important environmental redevelopment projects carried out in our country. Visit it following Diabolik’s footsteps!
Manetti Bros
Michelangelo La Neve, Antonio Manetti, Marco Manetti
Luca Marinelli, Miriam Leone, Valerio Mastrandrea