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The “FVG Film Locations” portal is still setting the standard: on Tuesday, May 16 at 3:30 p.m. at the Palazzo del Cinema in Gorizia, Via Giorgio Bombi 7, the meeting “Cinetourism. Tourist itineraries to discover film locations in FVG,” a reflection on cine-tourism that will also include a presentation of the case history of this innovative online tool that, thanks to its latest update, also allows access to a search engine of facilities in the region that have hosted film sets. Barbara Candotti, creator of the project, and Francesco Pitassio, professor of Film History and coordinator of the Dams degree course – Audiovisual, Media and Entertainment Disciplines at the University of Udine, will speak at the event, organized by Studio Sandrinelli.

The initiative aims to differentiate and broaden the tourist offer of Friuli – Venezia Giulia, stimulating a slow and sustainable tourism, which helps to know not only the main centers, but also the smaller centers, touched marginally by mainstream itineraries but no less interesting and valuable. During the meeting, aimed primarily at students of the Dams degree course, it will also be demonstrated how cinema can have different values and effects on society, in addition to the purely artistic one, and can constitute an added value – also in economic and development terms – for a territory.

The project was conceived in 2011 by Studio Sandrinelli and Divulgando and realized thanks to the partnership with the FVG Film Commission Association and the Cineteca di Gemona, as well as numerous other partners, and is funded by the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia. For this latest edition it also sees the support of the Palazzo del Cinema Association.

FVG film locations

Cineturismo in Friuli Venezia Giulia

FVG Film Locations fa parte di “CINETURISMO. Itinerari turistici alla scoperta dei luoghi del cinema in FVG” e CINETURISMO. Promozione dei luoghi del cinema in FVG”,  progetti di comunicazione per la promozione turistica del territorio del Friuli Venezia Giulia, realizzati dal 2013 con il contributo della Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia.

Capofila progetto
Studio Sandrinelli srl
via Carducci 22, Trieste

Sviluppo portale
Divulgando srl
Viale Miramare 15, Trieste

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