Based on the novel by Brenda Marrox, the film tells of the love story between James Joyce and Nora Barnacle, a young and lively chambermaid. After an initial meeting in Dublin, passion exploded and the two decided to escape to Trieste in search of fortune and freedom. It is a very difficult love life ,where only the love and devotion of the young woman can save the talent of Joyce.
How do you make a film about Joyce without using Trieste as a set? Impossible! The Irish director chose to shoot the film catching glimpses of a city that breathes literature every day. In the film a young Ewan McGregor walks on the Molo Audace – Pier. To meet Joyce today just go to Ponterosso where the artist Nino Spagnoli dedicated a bronze statue of the writer. Spagnoli is also the author of the statues of Italo Svevo, in the Piazza Hortis and Umberto Saba in via Dante. You can’t miss having your photo taken next to the three famous writers.
Pat Murphy
Gerard Stembridge, Pat Murphy
Ewan McGregor, Susan Lynch