Noir set in a fascinating and obscure Trieste that tells, flitting between past and present, the story of three friends dogged by the memory of a tragic episode of their childhood that has forever left its mark. Gil, the head of the group, now calls his old friends for the to settle things once and for all. Numerous locations were chosen in Trieste and the province. Among them: the Coroneo Prison, built in 1911 by the Austrians, the neighbourhood of Roiano, often mentioned when talking of the astrophysicist Margherita Hack who lived here until her death in 2013.Where now there are houses there used to be Val Martinaga, crossed by four rivers: Rio Montorsino, Rio Scalze, Rio dei Molini and Rio Carbonara, which today explains the name of the square “Piazza tra Rivi” (the square between the rivers). Filming was in Sistiana, up to Castelreggio beach, a wonderful bay for a free swim, music and fun.
Mimmo Calopresti, Monica Zarrelli
Mimmo Calopresti, Antonio Manzini, Gaetano Savatteri
Isabella Ferrari, Giorgio Panariello, Fabrizio Ferracane, Thomas Trabacchi