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Rosazzo Abbey stands on the eastern hills of Friuli, in the Municipality of Manzano, straddling the roads that once enjoyed considerable strategic importance.
The view from the Badia across the surrounding landscape in good weather is incomparable: from Slovenia in the east (with the mountains that were the scene of the First World War) all the way to the Gulf of Trieste; from the bell tower of Aquileia in the south-east to the Adriatic Sea; from Manzano (and its Chair District) in the south to the various towns that dot the lower Friulian plain.
What lies under the visitor’s gaze is a set of lush hills, vineyards, olive groves, plains with small urban agglomerations and finally, the sea.
The millenary Abbey, whose origins are not yet completely clear, was and is still today an East-West connection point where different languages and cultures come into contact and dialogue together.


This thousand-year-old Abbey has a rose path that runs along the perimeter of the Abbey and consists of ancient and modern roses.
The rose bushes were planted in 1998 and include all the most important families of ancient roses as well as several modern varieties. The spectacle in spring has no equal. The annual Rosazzo da Rosa event is dedicated to this beautiful flower.

Abbazia di Rosazzo

Rosazzo (Udine)

Rosazzo Abbey is a small pearl set in the Colli Orientali del Friuli, an East-West connection point where different languages and cultures come into contact and dialogue together.

FVG film locations

Cineturismo in Friuli Venezia Giulia

FVG Film Locations fa parte di “CINETURISMO. Itinerari turistici alla scoperta dei luoghi del cinema in FVG” e CINETURISMO. Promozione dei luoghi del cinema in FVG”,  progetti di comunicazione per la promozione turistica del territorio del Friuli Venezia Giulia, realizzati dal 2013 con il contributo della Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia.

Capofila progetto
Studio Sandrinelli srl
via Carducci 22, Trieste

Sviluppo portale
Divulgando srl
Viale Miramare 15, Trieste

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