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Simple emotions

Fourth and final single from Nek’s album ‘Un’altra direzione – Another direction’, the song ‘Simple emotions’ by Nek seems like a pop-rock song. The song is about a failed and melancholic love story. What better place than Trieste to shoot the videoclip?
Made in the month of May, in the video you can recognize the most picturesque parts of the city, such as the Molo Audace – Pier, the old Port – Porto Vecchio, the railway station of Campo Marzio and the steps of the main site of the University of Trieste. This building, which was inaugurated in 1950, is characterized by its monumental architecture and dominates the city from the slopes of Monte Valerio. The project bears the signature of Raffaello Fagnoni and Umberto Nordio. And finally, you can also see Ursus, a crane barge built in Trieste in 1914, and more than 80 meters high, symbolizing the link between the city and the sea. There are only two others in the world like that in Trieste.




Mikael Salom



FVG film locations

Cineturismo in Friuli Venezia Giulia

FVG Film Locations fa parte di “CINETURISMO. Itinerari turistici alla scoperta dei luoghi del cinema in FVG” e CINETURISMO. Promozione dei luoghi del cinema in FVG”,  progetti di comunicazione per la promozione turistica del territorio del Friuli Venezia Giulia, realizzati dal 2013 con il contributo della Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia.

Capofila progetto
Studio Sandrinelli srl
via Carducci 22, Trieste

Sviluppo portale
Divulgando srl
Viale Miramare 15, Trieste

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