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Fiori sopra l’inferno

Traveni, an imaginary village nestled in the Friulian mountains, is the scene of a series of inexplicable crimes, on which Teresa Battaglia, commissioner of Udine and expert profiler,  is called to investigate. Teresa is a woman who is both strong and fragile, and who is suffering from a disease capable of taking away her wit…

Magical creatures in Fvg

Legends are the heart of the identity of a people and Friuli Venezia Giulia has so many to tell you. Why not visit the places that are protagonists in numerous productions? Starting from Carnia, where "Paradise" was filmed in Sauris, do not annoy the Sbilfs, elves with a changing character. Also avoid the caves of…

Scappo a casa

In this comedy, fate turns against Michele, a superficial and racist mechanic who shows off on social media of his success. He discriminates against everyone until a trip to Budapest changes everything. The fact that one of the most multicultural places in Friuli Venezia Giulia was chosen for a film on prejudice is no accident.…

FVG film locations

Cineturismo in Friuli Venezia Giulia

FVG Film Locations fa parte di “CINETURISMO. Itinerari turistici alla scoperta dei luoghi del cinema in FVG” e CINETURISMO. Promozione dei luoghi del cinema in FVG”,  progetti di comunicazione per la promozione turistica del territorio del Friuli Venezia Giulia, realizzati dal 2013 con il contributo della Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia.

Capofila progetto
Studio Sandrinelli srl
via Carducci 22, Trieste

Sviluppo portale
Divulgando srl
Viale Miramare 15, Trieste

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