The film was inspired by a true story: Vincent is an autistic boy who suddenly meets his father. The two begin a tour of the Balkans that turns into a journey of mutual discovery. In the different scenes you can also take a look at the typical villages of the Karst plateau, including Monrupino. Among the various stories about the origins of Monrupino, is a legend that is still very much alive in the local community: the Slovenian name “Repen” seems to be derived from the noun “repa”, meaning turnip. According to legend, the inhabitants fled to the Rocca di Monrupino (in Slovenian “Tabor”) during the Turkish invasions; to defend themselves against the attack, they threw everything they had on the Turks and when they finally ran out of things, they threw turnips on them.
Gabriele Salvatores
Fulvio Ervas, Umberto Contarello, Sara Mosetti
Claudio Santamaria, Diego Abatantuono, Valeria Golino, Giulio Pranno, Daniel Vivian, Marusa Majer.